Chapter 9 Principal components analysis

9.1 Lecture

Before starting, you should watch the lecture by François Husson on a practical presentation of PCA. french,english

Principal component analysis (PCA) summarizes a data table where the observations are described by (continuous) quantitative variables. PCA is used to study the similarities between individuals from the point of view of all of the variables and identifies individuals profiles. It is also used to study the linear relationships between variables (based on correlation coefficients). The two studies are linked, which means that the individuals or groups can be characterized by the variables and the links between variables illustrated from typical individuals. More details are in the lecture slides.

To perform PCA, we use the PCA function from the FactoMineR package. A website is dedicated to this package. The code associated to the lecture slides is the following:

#Expert <- read.table("",
#header = TRUE, sep = ";", row.names = 1)
Expert <- read.table("data/Expert_wine.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ";", row.names = 1)
res.pca <- PCA(Expert, scale = T, quanti.sup = 29:30, quali.sup = 1)
barplot(res.pca$eig[,1], main = "Eigenvalues", names.arg = 1:nrow(res.pca$eig))
plot.PCA(res.pca, habillage = 1)
res.pca$ind$coord; res.pca$ind$cos2; res.pca$ind$contrib
plot.PCA(res.pca, axes = c(3, 4), habillage = 1)
plotellipses(res.pca, 1)
write.infile(res.pca, file = "my_FactoMineR_results.csv")

A Shiny interface has been developed for FactoMineR, you should install the Factoshiny package, it may give you an idea of what interfaces you should produce to facilitate the use of the methods you develop.


A very useful package is FactoInvestigate. It generates an automatic report and interpretation of FactoMineR principal component analyses. The main function provided by the package is the function Investigate(), which can be used to create either a Word, PDF or a HTML report.

# Principal component analyses
Investigate(res.pca, file = "PCA.Rmd", document = "pdf_document", 
            parallel = TRUE)

The aim of this package is also to encourage you going further in the interpretation!

Finally, we should mention that there exists a package that has embedded FactoMineR within ggplot2!


References on principal component methods and on the FactoMineR package: Exploratory Multivariate Analysis by Example using R, Husson, Lê, Pagès (2017), Chapman & Hall Multiple Factor Analysis by Example using R, Pagès (2015), CRC Press.

9.2 Detailed derivation of Principal Component Analysis

Let \((X_i)_{1\le i \le I}\) be the \(I\) observations in \(\mathbb{R}^K\) and \(X\) the \(\mathbb{R}^{I\times K}\) matrix such that the \(i\)-th line of \(X\) is \(X_i\). Principal Component Analysis aims at finding a subspace of \(\mathbb{R}^K\) such that the observations \((X_{i})_{1\le i \le I}\) are simultaneously close to their projections in this subspace or equivalently a subspace that maximizes the variance of the projected points. In the following, we assume that the data are centered i.e. \(I^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^I X_{i} = 0\).

9.2.1 Maximizing the variance

The first direction \(u_1\in \mathbb{R}^K\) is the vector which maximizes the empirical variance of the one dimensional vector \((a’X_1,\ldots,a’X_I)\) for \(a\in\mathbb{R}^K\) such that \(\|a\|^2=a'a=1\): \[ u_1 \in \underset{\|a\|=1}{\mathrm{Argmax}}\left\{\, I^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^I \langle X_{i},a \rangle^2\,\right\}. \] Then, for all \(k\ge 2\), \(u_k\) is the vector which maximizes the empirical variance of the one dimensional vector \((a’X_1,\ldots,a’X_I)\) on the set \(\{a\in\mathbb{R}^K\,;\, \|a\| =1\,,\, a\perp u_1,\ldots,u_{k-1}\}\): \[ u_k \in \underset{\|a\|=1\,,\, a\perp u_1,\ldots,u_{k-1}}{\mathrm{Argmax}} \left\{I^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^I \langle X_{i},a \rangle^2\,\right\}. \]

9.2.2 Minimizing the reconstruction error

For any dimension \(Q\le K\), PCA computes the linear span \(u\) defined by: \[ u \in \underset{\mathrm{dim}(u)\le Q}{\mathrm{Argmin}} \left\{\sum_{i=1}^I \left\|X_{i} - \pi_u(X_{i})\right\|^2\right\}\,, \] where \(\pi_u\) is the orthogonal projection onto \(u\).

9.2.3 Relationship with SVD

PCA relies on the singular value decomposition of the matrix \(X\). Let \(r\) be the rank of the matrix \(X\) and \(\lambda_1 \ge \ldots\ge \lambda_r>0\) be the nonzero eigenvalues of the empirical variance: \[ I^{-1}X’X = I^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^I X_i(X_i)'\,. \] There exist two orthonormal families \((v_j)_{1\le j \le r}\) in \(\mathbb{R}^I\) and \((u_j)_{1\le j \le r}\) in \(\mathbb{R}^K\) such that: \[ I^{-1}XX’v_j = \lambda_jv_j\quad\mbox{and}\quad I^{-1}X’Xu_j = \lambda_ju_j\,. \] \((\lambda_j)_{1\le j \le r}\) are referred to as the singular values, \((v_j)_{1\le j \le r}\) as the left-singular vectors and \((u_j)_{1\le j \le r}\) the right-singular vectors.

For all \(Q\le r\), let \(H_Q\) be the linear space spanned by \(\{u_1,\ldots,u_Q\}\). We first show that \(H_Q\) is solution to the problem of Section 9.2.1. Let \(a\in\mathbb{R}^K\) with \(\|a\|^2 =a'a=1\). Then, \[ I^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^I \langle X_{i},a \rangle^2 = I^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^I a'X_{i}(X_i)'a = a'\left(I^{-1}X'X\right)a = \sum_{j=1}^r \lambda_j(a'u_j)(u_j'a)\,. \] Note that \[ \sum_{j=1}^r \lambda_j(a'u_j)(u_j'a)\le \lambda_1\sum_{j=1}^r (a'u_j)(u_j'a)\le \lambda_1\,. \] On the other hand, if we choose \(a=u_1\), as \(u_1'u_j = 0\) for \(u\le j \le r\) and \(\|u_1\|^2=u_1'u_1=1\): \[ \sum_{j=1}^r \lambda_j(a'u_j)(u_j'a) = \lambda_1\,. \] This yields: \[ u_1 \in \underset{\|a\|=1}{\mathrm{Argmax}} \sum_{i=1}^I \langle X_{i},a \rangle^2\,. \] Then, for \(k\ge 2\), let \(a\in\mathbb{R}^K\) such that \(a\perp u_1,\ldots,u_{k-1}\). \[ \sum_{j=1}^r \lambda_j(a'u_j)(u_j'a)\le \lambda_k\sum_{j=k}^r (a'u_j)(u_j'a)\le \lambda_k\,. \] If we choose \(a=u_k\), as \(a'u_j = 0\) for \(1\le j \le k-1\) \(\|a\|^2=a'a=1\) and: \[ \sum_{j=1}^r \lambda_j(a'u_j)(u_j'a) = \lambda_k\,, \] which proves that: \[ u_k \in \underset{\|a\|=1\,,\, a\perp u_1,\ldots,u_{k-1}}{\mathrm{Argmax}} \sum_{i=1}^I \langle X_{i},a \rangle^2\,. \]

The space \(H_Q\) is also solution to the problem of Section 9.2.2. As for all \(1 \le i \le I\), \(\pi_{H_Q}(X_i) = \sum_{j=1}^Q (X’_iu_j)u_j\), for all linear span \(u\) in \(\mathbb{R}^K\) such that \(\mathrm{dim}(u)\le Q\), \[ \sum_{i=1}^I \left\|X_i - \pi_{H_Q}(X_i)\right\|^2 = \sum_{j=Q+1}^r\lambda_j\le \sum_{i=1}^I \left\|X_i - \pi_{u}(X_i)\right\|^2\,, \] which proves that: \[ H_Q \in \underset{\mathrm{dim}(u)\le Q}{\mathrm{Argmin}} \left\{\sum_{i=1}^I \left\|X_{i} - \pi_u(X_{i})\right\|^2\right\}\,, \]

The vectors \((F_j = X u_j)_{1\le j \le Q}\) are the principal components. Note that for all \(1 \le i \le I\), \[ \pi_{H_Q}(X_i) = \sum_{j=1}^Q (F_j)_iu_j\,. \] The vectors \((F_j = X u_j)_{1\le j \le Q}\) are orthogonal eigenvectors of \(I^{-1}XX’\).

9.2.4 Explained variance and correlation

  • The percentage of variance explained by the first \(Q\) dimensions is: \[ \alpha_Q = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^I\|\pi_{H_Q}(X_{i})\|^2}{\sum_{i=1}^I\|X_{i}\|^2} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^Q\lambda_i}{\sum_{i=1}^K\lambda_i}\,. \] With each observation is associated the vector: \[ \rho_i(j) = \frac{\langle X^{(i)}, F_j\rangle}{\|X^{(i)}\|\|F_j\|}\,, \] where \(X^{(i)}\) is the \(i\)-th column of \(X\).

  • Quality of the projection - cos2

Let \(W_Q = \mathrm{span}\{F_1,\ldots,F_Q\}\). Note that for all \(1 \le i \le K\), \[ \|\rho_i\|^2 = \frac{\|\pi_{W_Q}(X^{(i)})\|^2}{\|X^{(i)}\|^2}\le 1\,. \] \(\|\rho_i\|\) measures the quality of the projection of \(X_i\) on the first \(Q\) principal components.

9.3 Lab

9.3.1 Lecture questions

  • When do we need to scale the variables? Simulate and comment:
Z <- rmvnorm(n = 200, rep(0, 3), sigma = diag(3))
X1 <- Z[, 1]
X2 <- X1 + 0.001*Z[, 2]
X3 <- 10*Z[, 3]
don <-, X2, X3)
res.pca <- PCA(don, scale = F)
res.pcascaled <- PCA(don, scale = T)
  • TRUE or FALSE. If you perform a standardized PCA on a huge number of variables: the percentage of variability of the two first dimenions is small.

  • A scaled PCA has been performed on 4 data sets. Link correlation matrices and PCA results.

  • What is the percentage of variability of the first dimension? The first plane?

9.3.2 Analysis of decathlon data

This dataset contains the results of decathlon events during two athletic meetings which took place one month apart in 2004: the Olympic Games in Athens (23 and 24 August), and the Decastar 2004 (25 and 26 September). For both competitions, the following information is available for each athlete: performance for each of the 10 events, total number of points (for each event, an athlete earns points based on performance; here the sum of points scored) and final ranking. The events took place in the following order: 100 metres, long jump, shot put, high jump, 400 metres (first day) and 110 metre hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin, 1500 metres (second day). Nine athletes participated to both competions. We would like to obtain a typology of the performance profiles.

The aim of conducting PCA on this dataset is to determine profiles for similar performances: are there any athletes who are better at endurance events or those requiring short bursts of energy, etc? And are some of the events similar? If an athlete performs well in one event, will he necessarily perform well in another?

The data can be found with:

  • Have a quick look at the centered and scaled data, what can be said?

  • Explain your choices for the active and illustrative variables/individuals and perform the PCA on this data set.

  • Comment the percentage of variability explained by the two first dimensions. What would you like (a small percentage, a high percentage) and why?

  • Comment:
  • the correlation between the 100 m and long.jump
  • the correlation between long.jump and Pole.vault
  • can you describe the athlete Casarsa?
  • the proximity between Sebrle and Clay
  • the proximity between Schoenbeck and Barras

  • Enhance the graphical outputs with the following options:

 plot.PCA(res.pca, choix = "ind", habillage = ncol(decathlon), cex = 0.7)
 plot.PCA(res.pca, choix = "ind", habillage = ncol(decathlon), cex = 0.7, 
 autolab = "no")
 plot(res.pca, select = "cos2 0.8",  invisible = "quali")
 plot(res.pca, select = "contrib 10")
 plot(res.pca, choix = "var", select = "contrib 8", unselect = 0)
 plot(res.pca, choix = "var", select = c("400m", "1500m"))
  • In which trials those who win the decathlon perform the best? Could we say that the decathlon trials are well selected?

  • Compare and comment the performances during both events: Decastar and Olympic. Could we conclude on the differences? Plot confidence ellipses or perfom a test:

dimdesc(res.pca, proba = 0.2) 

To select the number of dimensions, you should have a look at


which performs cross validation as detailed in the lectures slides.